Day 04 → Something you have to forgive someone for.
Wow...this is harder than yesterday! Maybe prior to committing to this I should have actually read through them! I have difficulty coming up with topics to blog...so I thought this would help!
I am very forgiving person. I'm not someone who holds a grudge or stays mad. When I get angry, I blow like a volcano and then I'm over it!
OK, I think I need to forgive the St. Timothy's Catholic Church in Chantilly. I had a really bad experience there that truly tested my faith. It wasn't one thing but rather several incidences over the two years I belonged there. They led to my "forgetting" to sign bug up for CCD when we moved because I was truly burnt out by their formalness.
I am truly blessed that we did move and I am much happier at our current church. I also found another nearby church that offers Communion under both species which I really miss since leaving Massachusetts.
St. Timothy's, I forgive you for the bad experiences. The time the RE director didn't know my name and she knew ALL the other teachers and assistants names. The time you scared the (you know what) out of my shy and slightly anxious 6 yo (who has known the Sign of the Cross, Our Father, Hail Mary, AND Glory Be since she was 4...she just needs you to start it with her....BUT the Pastor, who she'd never met personally, pulled her out of CCD class to "test" her prayers and "flunked her"! I'm moving on.
Thank you day 4!
I am very forgiving person. I'm not someone who holds a grudge or stays mad. When I get angry, I blow like a volcano and then I'm over it!
OK, I think I need to forgive the St. Timothy's Catholic Church in Chantilly. I had a really bad experience there that truly tested my faith. It wasn't one thing but rather several incidences over the two years I belonged there. They led to my "forgetting" to sign bug up for CCD when we moved because I was truly burnt out by their formalness.
I am truly blessed that we did move and I am much happier at our current church. I also found another nearby church that offers Communion under both species which I really miss since leaving Massachusetts.
St. Timothy's, I forgive you for the bad experiences. The time the RE director didn't know my name and she knew ALL the other teachers and assistants names. The time you scared the (you know what) out of my shy and slightly anxious 6 yo (who has known the Sign of the Cross, Our Father, Hail Mary, AND Glory Be since she was 4...she just needs you to start it with her....BUT the Pastor, who she'd never met personally, pulled her out of CCD class to "test" her prayers and "flunked her"! I'm moving on.
Thank you day 4!
OMFW! they did not test her on her prayers and fail her! that is freaking unreal. it makes me very thankful that i have been very welcome in our church for EVER! Butter even says the hail mary wrong to this day and is never critized. "high womb Jesus" is always chuckled about but not judged.