Wednesday, October 27, 2010

30 days of screwed up!

See I can't even keep track of 30days! Yesterday I panicked thinking I had missed several days. Then after I posted day 10...I went back and re-counted (Math was NEVER my strong suit!) and realized now I 'm ahead! What a goof!

See, if I was good at math I would be in a much more lucrative career...but alas...simple addition still throws me!

I'm the Spirit Wear chair of the PTO at Bug's school. I am in charge of designing, ordering, selling, and keeping inventory of the t-shirts and handling the pre-ordering and delivering of sweatshirts and long sleeve ts. Easy right? I can not tell you how much time I spend counting and re-counting and tracking and adding and still mess up? Why don't the numbers in my fancy spread sheet columns match?? How did I get myself into this mess??

I am a social worker because it rarely involves numbers and if it's a cursory glance! I am not overall responsible for keeping track of the numbers! I am great with people. I am great with people's problems. I am great under pressure with said people's problems! You have a people crisis...I'm your girl! You have a number crisis...RUN as far from me as possible! I'll only screw it up worse!

There, I've proclaimed it to the world!

Day 10 should be 11 is Friday! I've actually written the numbers into my planner. :)

1 comment:

  1. giggle one said it had to be perfect.

    I am still on 7. And i started before you.
