Day 18 → Your views on gay marriage.
Ahh, a nice controversial one...
I am completely 100% in favor of Gay Marriage. This does however go completely against the Catholic church. I totally understand WHY the Catholic church is against Gay Marriage...however I do not agree...
I have been privileged throughout the years to work with some amazing folks and they have been VERY forthcoming about their lives. I cannot imagine feeling the way I do about my husband and being told these feelings are wrong. I am fortunate that I have the "right" feelings for the opposite sex. If, however, I was instead attracted to the same sex, I would be appalled that it is anyone else's business who I love.
The Catholic Church does not believe in pre-marital sex OR sex that may not result in the conception of children...i.e. birth control. I feel VERY strongly that I am not sin free and therefore I am unable to cast stones at another's sins. My relationship with God is MY relationship. When my earthly life is over and I stand in before God and HIS judgment it will be for my life and my sins. I am therefore not in a place to judge others.
My issue is that gay sex will never lead to the conception of children and therefore will never be "accepted". I find it really hard to believe that God makes mistakes, so folks who are attracted to the same sex are not mistakes...it is part of his plan.
I believe that it is up to the individual person to make a partner/marriage decision and again, I would not want to be told that I can not be with my husband because it isn't "right" or "normal". It's no one else's business but mine and my husband/partner.
Amen sistah!