Last night I was thinking about objects children attach with. I was thinking about how as a young child I became attached to stuffed animals.
My first "lovey" was a teddy bear that is in baby pictures of me. He was well loved for my first few years. His eyes fell out and his "fur" was loved off. Here is "Teddy" now.
When I was two, my mother won "Snoopy" at a fair or carnival. Snoopy went everywhere with me for a couple of years and was also well loved as you can see.
Pruff was given to me one Christmas when I was 7 yo. My Aunt Marcia gave her to me and she was well loved for many years. She really appealed to me because I have always been into eyes, and especially eyelashes! Even as a young child "people" that I drew always had eyelashes!
Betty and Bernie Bear were middle school. My friend, G, gave them to me for birthdays and they went everywhere through high school. I had three surgeries on my knees when I was 13-14 and Betty and Bernie Bear accompanied me to the hospital and are STILL wearing the hospital ID bracelets.
Feelix was a Christmas gift given by my first real boyfriend, D in 1989. Feelix is well loved even to this day, not because of who gave him, but because Feelix talks! Really, he talks. Bug has now taken him over and it's fun to have him join us on every trip again.
Here's Bug with Feelix last weekend and pretty much how she has him EVERY night! So cute!

Bug had two teddy bears she got attached to when she was about a year old and they were companions for a couple of years. They are Honey Teddy and Daddy Teddy. I am not quite sure how they got these names...Honey is honey colored...but who knows how a toddler mind thinks!
Bug had two teddy bears she got attached to when she was about a year old and they were companions for a couple of years. They are Honey Teddy and Daddy Teddy. I am not quite sure how they got these names...Honey is honey colored...but who knows how a toddler mind thinks!
I still love the ribbons on top of blankets and will rub them when falling asleep especially if I am overly stressed (And honestly, when am I not?)...but I don't NEED them to fall asleep. It has been hard to find these blankets and I have "stolen" several from my parent's home to have a stash...I even made one!
My sister planned her son's loveys. She picked a lamb/blanket she got as a shower gift and bought a few extras and rotates them so she always has clean ones. Pretty ingenious! (and his loveys have the ribbon along the edge so I LOVE them too!)

What about you? Your kids? Do you still have the treaured item like I do? How do I get rid of these precious links to my past?
Beautiful post. There are no loveys that I still have but butter still carries his blankey and bear with him most every night.
ReplyDeleteI love that Bug has so much love to Feelix. Very sweet! I still have the stuffed animal that was given to my mom in the baby shower that was held prior to my birth. His name is Gozman and he sits on the bookshelves in our nursery that has never been used. We will never part ways. The boys fall in and out of love with their "babies." My oldest grips onto lego storm troopers in his sleep.