Monday, August 24, 2009

Friday nights

Remember when you were in high school and the thought of spending a Friday night BY YOURSELF was a definite sign of what a loser you are?

This past Friday night we were all going to go see the minor, minor league team of the Nationals...the Potomac Nationals' game at the stadium which is less than 3 miles from our new place. As I was driving Abs home from camp she was carrying on about how she needed some Abby/Daddy I "graciously" volunteered to NOT go sit in the hot and humid stadium watching a team that I have very little interest in I got stay home in the AC BY MYSELF!! It was heaven! I could both play on the computer AND watch a movie on TV...I didn't have to share and I ate whatever I wanted for supper...didn't have to worry about what Abby ate and was it reasonably healthy! I was officially "off-duty".

It was wonderful to have the Friday evening to myself! I can't wait to do it again!

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