Friday, September 24, 2010

Five Question Friday

1. If you could speak with a different accent, what would it be (i.e Australian, Scottish)?
I think I would like an Aussie accent. Sounds cool and refined!

2. Can you fall asleep anywhere? (i.e floor, couch, deck)

Not Easily! I have trouble falling asleep anywhere except the car when I am a passenger on a long drive!

3. Do you use public restrooms? If so, do you sit on the toilet?

Yes, I use them...when you gotta go, you gotta go! I wipe the seat and then sit...unless really gross...then either skip it or hover...depending on how bad I had to go!

4. If you were stuck in an elevator for 24 hours, what celebrity would you most want to be stuck with?

Hmmmmm, tough one...Oprah would be cool to talk with but Ben Affleck would be better for snuggling!

5. Where did you & your significant other go on your 1st date?

Our first "official date" was for pizza at Linwood Cafe in Randolph, MA and the movies to see "Aladin".

Friday, September 10, 2010


Chloe was our second foster dog and before she even arrived, I was pretty sure we were keeping her! We started fostering dogs with American Lab Rescue in early December 2005.

Our beloved Bailey, the dog Hub and I got shortly after we got married, had become very ill and we had to have him euthanized on October 5, 2005...Hub initially said he NEVER wanted another dog. The pain of losing Bailey was too much. I was also devastated and my sadness continued every day when I returned to the house and there was no dog there to greet me. Yes, I loved Bailey and missed him, but I wanted another dog. Hub agreed to we signed up. The hitch was NO black labs (Bailey was a black lab mix)

The Rescue group asked us to take our first foster, Jake. We had him for one week and then he was adopted to his "forever home". We let Bug pick our next foster...she picked an adorable puppy, Honey. Honey found her forever family and didn't need a foster home. I then told the group we'd take "Tori" (aka: Chloe). The Rescue group was thrilled we would take her...she'd had a tough life in her short nine months. She hadn't done well in the shelter and was temporarily in a rescue home to try to fatten her up for the transport. She had survived Hurricane Katrina and Rita and had been a "teen" mom...all ready had a litter of puppies. She was VERY thin and struggled to keep weight on, though she was healthy. I told the rescuer I was in love with her pic/profile and that she may be a keeper for us. When I told Hub that Honey hadn't been available so I asked for "Tori" he said he had thought she was really cute.

"Tori" arrived in CT on December 18, 2005 from Louisiana. It was a two-day drive for her. She was VERY thin, but so soft and adorable. We were smitten! I immediately renamed her Chloe and she was ours!

Chloe quickly became Bug's dog, best friend, confidant, and protector. Bug has always been a bit on the anxious side and she doesn't not like to go anywhere in the house Chloe goes with her. She doesn't like to sleep alone, so Chloe sleeps with her. They have become quite a pair. Chloe steadily put on weight and is healthy and I think quite happy! She's a beautiful dog and she is still the softest dog I have ever had the pleasure or snuggling!

Isn't she pretty???

Best Friends!One of Chloe's favorite activities...stick chasing!

"camping" in the living room with Bug

Her favorite spot! The bed she generously shares with Bug!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My fears...

I have always pictured myself as a mom. When Hub and I got married he knew children were part of the equation. He was never as sure about children.

When we began to plan for a baby...because I PLAN everything!! I told him that I really wanted a daughter. Nothing against sons, my sister-in-law, she only wanted, I wanted a daughter. I wanted to share girlie things, prom, her's just not the same with a boy.

I also thought April would be a great month to have a baby. We lived in Massachusetts, so by April the chance of snow is slim and spring is definitely on the horizon. We wouldn't have to bundle a brand new baby like an Eskimo against New England winters.
Bug, 1 year

I had my precious April! I have been crazy in love since! She is everything I could have imagined. She was blessed with my temperament which isn't always easy, but she also has my fine curly hair and I all ready own a hair straightener!

Fast forward 9+ years! She's entering fourth grade and is more tween then little girl. When did that happen?? Bug, 9-1/2 years

I'm a social worker and as such I really try to stay up on teen trends because I work with teens and honestly they have always been my passion. Today I learned of two new trends...1) Oral Sex is the new Goodnight Kiss and 2) Self-mutilation moves onto Embedding objects.

I know realistically that Bug is not likely to self-mutilate or embed objects beneath her skin, but it still scares me that it's out there and that there is a very good chance she will know and care about someone who does. What is Embedding? It's when a person who is in so much emotional pain and does not have a way to mitigate or cope with these feelings so they look for a physical outlet. Cutting is a physical outlet and now embedding where the person actually puts objects under the skin...eye glass screws, lead, paper clips, safety pins, etc. Google it, you'll see x-rays.

The "oral sex" thing scares me more. I KNOW kids don't think oral sex is "sex"...Thank you President Clinton! I have spoken with several teen girls myself. They consider themselves virgins if they are only having oral sex. There is no reciprocation...only girls performing for the boys. Girls perform oral sex in groups at school, at parties, on the where is safe! Girls are realizing they aren't getting any enjoyment, so they are now being paid with money, gifts or homework, etc. Girls doing this "exchange" don't see themselves as prostitutes because they are not out on the street! It's just a give and take, an "exchange"! Very scary!! Google "Oral Sex is the new Goodnight Kiss", but be's graphic, not visually but the content.

So, I have this beautiful, sensitive, caring, sweet, loving, special girl...and I want to handcuff myself to her for the next 15 years! That should help her popularity! :)

My message...if you have children please keep up on the trends...and be involved, VERY involved. Be open and communicate with your child. If you aren't comfortable talking about sex stuff, get comfortable or find someone who is who can be a safe person with accurate information and similar values. Your child's health and well-being DEPENDS on it!

Bug and I, Nov 2009

Friday, September 3, 2010


Bug decided she wanted to "go camping". She set up her tent in the living room and brought her "kids" (American Girl dolls) and Chloe. There were no bugs, animals or rain to worry about. She said she slept so well, she's doing it again tonight!