Friday, July 23, 2010
Friday 5
1) Besides plain, what's your favorite way to eat an Apple? Baked into a Swedish Apple Pie! yummy!!
2) Besides plain, what's your favorite was to eat berries? Umm, really the only way I like berries is in jelly! Especially made by my MIL! :)
3) Besides plain, what's your favorite way to eat a banana? I NEVER eat Bananas...the smell of them, makes me nauseous!
4) Besides plain, what's your favorite way to east a peach? when it's peach swnapps!
5) Besides plain, what's your favorite way to eat a pineapple? ummm, another one I'm not found of...but a splash in a good fruity drink would be good!
So now you know that I am not a big fan of fruit! Hope it enlightened your day! :)
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Saturday, July 3, 2010
The Crazy Lab Lady
My love of dogs has certainly grown over the years. I never had a dog growing up, well at least prior to high school. My dad was conveniently "allergic". Which is really interesting because he has two dogs now...but I digress.

I was 16 when we got our first dog. His name was Buster and he was from the local pound. He didn't last long because he bit a few people...a cousin, a boyfriend...and back to the shelter poor Buster went.
That's Buster with our first exchange student, Lucia.
My mother then searched for an "owned dog" that would be more easily assimilated into our very busy household.
Moggie came from a young couple who didn't have time for her. She was a beautiful Belgian Shepard who was bigger and longer haired than my mother wanted, but she fit with us well. I think she was about a year old when she joined our family in 1988.

Moggie lived with my parents until her she got to be old and incontinent and was euthanized in November 2001.
I got married in 1997 and Hub and I bought our first townhome just prior to our wedding. I couldn't wait to get my very own dog. I begged and begged and Hub finally conceded in late January 1998. I was determined to get a dog THAT day. We had agreed that we would get an adult dog, about 1 year old, so we would not have to raise a puppy and we wanted to rescue a dog from a shelter. After visiting two in the Boston area without any luck, Hub was done. I BEGGED to drive the 45 minutes to the Salem Animal Rescue League and Hub finally relented. There we fell in love with Bailey (actually his name was Damian which we promptly changed!). He was a 3 month-old puppy that had been adopted and returned that morning. He had attended puppy-kindergarten, was crate trained and knew basic commands.
We got in the car with "Damian" and I turned to Hub and said "Bailey or Casey?" See I all ready had names picked out. Hub picked Bailey and we took our new bundle of joy home.

Bailey was a black lab/pit bull mix and he grew to a stocky 60 lbs. He was a strong-willed smart dog who had me wrapped around his paw! We added Bug to our family in April 2001 and Bailey was protective and gentle with the new "cub". Abby could crawl over him, play with his mouth, pull herself up on him...he tolerated it all.
Bailey became ill in April 2005. It started off as seizures. Once he was house-trained, he slept on our bed between Steve's legs. ALWAYS! So, we he started seizing the first time it immediately woke us up and we held him until it stopped. We took him to the vet and did blood work and took him home to observe. He continued to have cluster seizures every couple of weeks until late September when they began happening more frequently and impairing his neurological function. We had an awesome vet who helped us come to the decision to euthanize him on October 2, 2005. We were devastated!
Hub didn't want another dog for a while. I was beside myself with sadness at coming home to an empty house daily. We compromised. We decided to foster. Hub said no black dogs. I agreed.
I found a wonderful organization, American Lab Rescue, and we signed up to foster with them. Our first foster, Jake, arrived on December 4, 2005 and was adopted by a family a week later. Bug picked out a puppy she wanted to foster next, but that dog was adopted and didn't need a foster so I told them we'd take "Tory"a beautiful yellow lab from Louisiana. She was arriving on December 18, 2005. Three days before her arrival, I got a call. Would we please take an awesome black lab named Trey. He was also in the shelter and would be euthanized before the next scheduled transport run from his area (due to the holidays it would be three weeks instead of two). Hub and I agreed to take Trey and I quickly let everyone I knew know that we had a black lab that needed a home ASAP! My friend A and her family were interested and after meeting Trey the day after he arrived, he was home!
"Tory" was a precious girl with quite a history. She had survived both Hurricane Katrina and Rita. She was 9-months old and had truly had a horrible start to life. She was underweight and easily scared, but sweet as can be with the softest fur ever. We quickly made the decision that she was meant to be our dog and we renamed her Chloe.
In the process of meeting Trey, Hub decided he LOVES black labs. I agreed they are a beautiful breed of dogs. We opened ourselves back up to any color lab.
We fostered many more dogs including "Big Brown Biting Dog" (AKA Reese) who was a 150 lb chocolate lab that attacked Bug.
"Garret" was handpicked for us after the Reese incident. He was a very gentle black lab and I was smitten! I renamed him Cole and he was my love! Our family was complete!
We continued fostering for a total of year. We had over 20 dogs come through our home on their way to permanent homes. It was incredibly rewarding and we learned that I am a sucker for a dog in need of a home, even if only temporarily. We realized that without Hub, I would be like those crazy cat ladies...only with labs! I would seriously have taken a dozen of them if I didn't have Hub setting limits!
When we moved from MA to VA we couldn't have bring our dogs to the county apartment we were living in while we sold our house in MA. It was a really tough time for me but we were so blessed to have amazing friends who loved our dogs like their own. Chloe came to VA with us and stayed with the "R" family and Cole remained in MA with the "B" family who had adopted Trey. We continued to visit them both and missed them like crazy!
Two years later we move into a bigger place where we can have our dogs. Chloe moved in the same day we did. We planned to pick up Cole when we went to NH or vacation.
Cole had become very attached to the "B "family and Trey and had not done well when we had initially left, so we made the difficult decision to leave Cole with the "B" family who had taken him in and loved him like he was theirs.
That left us with an opening for a new dog. I searched for an adult black lab here in VA and learned that in nearby NC, adult black labs are the second most commonly euthanized dog because folks are "afraid" of "Big Black Dogs"! CRAZY! Anyway...we were matched with "Black Jack" who is now Remy.
I LOVE my dogs. They are my four-legged kids! I love spending time with them. I love having them greet me after a tough day. I love the warmth they bring to my bed at night and the security I feel having them in the house.
I hope they are happy with their life with us. I think they are! They have it pretty good! :)
Friday, July 2, 2010
My 'ology
What is your salad dressing of choice? Creamy Caesar
What is your favorite sit-down restuarant? Toyko Japanese Steakhouse
What is your favorite fast food restaurant? Chick-Fil-A
What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of? PIZZA!!!
What are your pizza toppings of choice? cheese and garlic...but not when Hub is around!
Are you right-handed or left-handed? Right
Have you ever had anything removed from your body? part of disc from my back, cyst from my right knee and tears in my knees scraped
What is the last heavy item you lifted? My large scrapbook tote
Have you ever been knocked unconscious? yup, when I was 7 or 8 and sledding
Have you ever fainted? Nope
If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die? No
If you could change your name, what would you change it to? I wouldn't, might change the spelling so it is easier on folks to pronounce.
How many pairs of flip flops do you own? 1...I don't like Flip flops and I don't get the excitement!
Last person you talked to? in person, the Target Check -out girl, on the phone, Hub
Season? Fall
Holiday? Thanksgiving
Day of the week? Saturdays
Month? November
Color? green
Drink? diet coke
Alcoholic? My sister's cosmos
Missing someone? Bug...she's in MA on day 10 of a 34 day trip to MA! :'(
What are you listening to? the AC and one of the dogs just stretched and made a noise.
What are you watching? the screen as I type this
Worrying about? Nothing.
What’s the last movie you saw? Grown-Ups
Do you smile often? Yup
If you could change your eye color what would it be? I wouldn't, but if I had to...violet blue
What’s on your wish list for your birthday? hmmm, an new ipod, massage
Can you do a chin-up? hahahahahahahaha..NO!
Does the future make you more nervous or excited? more excited
Have you been in a car wreck? Yes, too many!
Have you caused a car wreck? yes, too many!
Do you have an accent? No
Last time you cried? Last Tues when I dropped Hub and Bug at the airport
Plans tonight? scrapbooked at a new place, watched Friday Night Lights, Doing this, then bed
Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom? YES! The first 18 months in VA!
Name three things you bought yesterday? Motorcycle helmet! Haircut, DQ Blizzard
Have you met someone who changed your life? Yes
For the better or worse? Better, definitely!
How did you bring in the New Year? well, in a cast for my broken ankle from the week before, feeling sorry for myself because I ruined our trip to MA and the plans we had, but with Bug watching the ball drop on TV at home.
Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? I really wouldn't. The pain and good times made me who I am and got me to this place. Everything for a reason!
What songs do you sing in the shower? I'm a car singer, not a shower singer. Country songs...lately Love you Like Crazy, Need you Know, and some song where they keep saying Lover, Lover, Lover...which makes me giggle!
Have you held hands with someone today? No, not today. :(
Who was the last person you took a picture of?Just took two of the dogs snoozing on the couch!
Are most of the friends in your life new or old? Most are old...but I have made some really good ones in the past two years!
Do you like pulpy orange juice? Absolutely NO! But Hub we buy both!
Last time you ate peanut butter and jelly? I don't remember a few months ago?
What were you doing at 12 a.m. last night? Reading
What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? Craptastic...I'm late!
How many televisions are in your house? 3
What color cell phone do you have? Lilac
Thursday, July 1, 2010
I'm Crazy about....
He's such an amazing man. I first met him when I was 17 (and a half!)...I had just graduated high school and he was/is a good buddy of my cousin. They had just graduated college. He was 23!
He's in front on the left in the jeans carrying the bag. He had that All-American Tom Cruise (back when Tom was really cool...pre-TomKat and sofa jumping!) look about him and he has an awesome smile!
Off to college I went and my cousin went off to law school. Four years later we both graduated again....another party...another chance meeting. I was then 21 and he was 26.
Seven months later, my cousin's apartment has a fire. Tragic, but no one was hurt...and it was the "spark" we, hub and I, needed! There was a pity party and Hub and I finally got to talk and get to know each other.
That next week we have our first "date". We continue to date...we break-up because Hub never wanted to get married...we get back together because Hub realizes I'm pretty terrific! We finally get engaged in July 1996 and married October 1997!

We had our beautiful and amazing daughter, Bug, in April 2001.

The problem...the job is seven states and 450 miles away from where we own a house and have all of our extended family and many very good friends.
Hub continues the "hiring process" by returning to Virginia in November and December. He is disqualified in January for medical reasons then after sending records, he is re-qualified in March. In April a background investigator comes to MA to interview folks, including me and we realize that a big move is in our future. In Late May, Hub is officially offered the job and he was EXCITED! He started in June and began the six-month police academy in September 2007 almost a year after losing his last job!
The move to VA was very tough on me personally, our marriage, our little family and our extended families. I am not gonna lie, we fought hard and nasty at times and I threatened to leave and he told me to leave...we hung in there....
Hub graduated first in his academy class and I knew we had made the right choice. I was so proud of him!
Fast forward another couple of years...we've moved again. We've pretty much ruined ourselves financially. We've been married almost 13 years and I can honestly say I love my life! I love Hub with all my being. He is an amazing man full of integrity and honor. He makes me a better person. He brings a calmness to my life and is my shelter in the storm of life. Sometimes things are really hard, but at the end of the day I am so grateful that our paths crossed and re-crossed and then re-crossed again.
Hub is not comfortable with attention or the spotlight. He was kinda embarrassed about graduating first. He likes to go with the flow and hang in the middle of the pack. He doesn't like me to brag about him, but he deserves it! He was over 40 with a wife and young daughter and he did a major career change and our family is better for it!
I love you Hub! Thanks for your patience with me and for hanging in there with us!