Friday, February 22, 2013

7 quick takes

--- 1 ---
I am so very grateful for my life these days.  It is a really good life!  It's not perfect, but really really great!!  I actually really truly love my husband (which I guess sadly isn't the case for many).  I have a terrific kid! I love my job and my house.  I have a great extended family. I am healthy and have my needs and many wants met.  I am blessed!

--- 2 ---
Next weekend I fly to MA to complete part 2 of EMDR ( eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) training.  It will be a crazy busy weekend...last fall I took part 1 and ended up extended my stay in MA due to Hurricane Sandy and a death in my extended family.  I am hoping this trip will be quicker as I am flying, not driving.

--- 3 ---
I'm getting a slight raise!  Cigna has increased my rates by 5%!!  Yeah!!  They were one of the lower reimbursements.  Unfortunately, I don't get the whole 5%, but it's something and these days anything is good!!

--- 4 ---
This has been a great week...I've been pretty busy at work, but not crazy over the top busy...i.e. some clients have cancelled or no showed to give me breaks!  This week was fully booked when it started! I been home the nights I have been off which is also a nice break.

--- 5 ---
I really want some snow...just one storm with about 4-6".., Massachusetts is expecting another storm this weekend which will make this year the snowiest February ever on record!  I'm kinda jealous!!

--- 6 ---
Tomorrow Bug and I are taking a concealed carry class.  I am nervous and she is excited.  I love that I can empower and trust her to do this with me and I won't be surprised if she does better than I do!  She gets it from her father!!

--- 7 ---

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

Friday, February 15, 2013

7 Quick Takes

--- 1 ---
I have had such a crazy week!  Every night since Sunday I have been out late!!  So very excited for the weekend to be here!!

--- 2 ---
I am taking Monday off!  I have rarely taken the Monday holidays, because (1) folks are available to see me on Monday Holidays and (2) I don't get paid when I don't work!  I have decided that I work really hard and that takes a toll on my own kid.  I am hoping to do something fun, jus the two of us!  Suggestions??

--- 3 ---
Last Sunday would have been my Nana's 108th birthday!  She died in March 1995 at age 90.  She was an amazing lady who I adored!  I miss her so much and often wonder what she would say of the grown-up, "mom" me.  I know she would have been so crazy about my Bug!

--- 4 ---
Bug and I are beginning to plan her 12th birthday.  Oh, the pressure!!  It will be interesting to see what she decides.  Her birthday is in April....ideas??

--- 5 ---
Hub and I have started dating 20 years ago this month (2/6)... So hard to believe that it was that LNG ago!  Where did time go??

--- 6 ---
I rearranged my office this week.  It's been really interesting to see my clients reactions.  Some really struggle with change even the simplest change of how their therapist's office is arranged!  Most of the feedback has been great and I personally really like it, so that it what really matters!

--- 7 ---
Girl Scout cookies have arrived!!  enough said!

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Seven Quick Takes

--- 1 ---
Yes, I am a crappy blogger! I have never been good at journaling or keeping a diary...why should blogging be any different?? I really want to try harder this year...maybe my goal should be to aim for the once a week thing. No promises!!
--- 2 ---
It hit me this week that my "baby" has one more year and she will be a teenager. Ok, actually in April, it will be a year...but seriously where did the time go? How is possible I have an almost adolescent?? She is an amazing kid! She is LOVING middle school! She finished her first season of girls basketball on the school JV team. We are so blessed to have an amazing public school with the single gender program. She is blossoming!!
--- 3 ---
I LOVE MY HOUSE! What a dream come true!! Finally I live in a place that is a joy to come home! It is still a work in progress, but it's ours!!
--- 4 ---
This has been a tough week at work. I love what I do and (if I do say so myself) I am a great therapist! I can say this because the adolescent girls I see are referring their friends to me! What a complement! I am having some issues with my boss. Makes it no fun to go to work. Hopefully we can resolve these differences because my commute is amazing! 8/10s of a mile...2 minutes! Can't beat that unless I worked at home...and if I worked at home, I am not sure I would get much work done!
--- 5 ---
I got a new toy this week. A Blue Ray Player that has wifi. It connects to the Internet and plays Netflix and Pandora and You Tube and....I love it! Merry Christmas me! (Thanks Dad!)
--- 6 ---
I had the wonderful pleasure of having lunch with my amazing husband today. One of the benefits of his schedule and my working close to one is that we are able to seize these moments. I am so grateful that I am able to honestly say I love to spend time with my husband. We have fun and it is awesome to connect!
--- 7 ---
For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!
Did you know I LOVE my dogs? They are such cool animals. Wednesday when I came home from work, I was in tears...(see above re:boss)...Chloe immediately came to comfort me and didn't leave my side as I explained my day to my dear husband. Remy is always next to me at night available for snuggles and petting when I am struggling to sleep. The unconditional love from a dog is amazing! I am so blessed to have rescued by them! So, that's it for today...until next Friday...

Friday, June 1, 2012

Getting to know me...

So, it's been a REALLY long time since I have blogged! I am just not that good at journaling, keeping a diary, blogging, etc... I really like being able to answer kind of posting!! Babling Bridge is a blog I read regularly...she lives in the Boston area and I am from Massachusetts, so I enjoy reading about her life, though it does feel very voyeuristic as I have never met her! Anyway, (stalk you later!) as a reader, she "tagged me". If you read this, you are TAGGED! So, I look forward to getting to know you! THE RULES Each person must post 11 random things about themselves. Answer the questions that the person that tagged you posted. Create 11 new questions for the people that you tag. Pick 11 new people to tag, link them on your post & go to their page and tell them they've been tagged. No tag backs!!! RANDOM THINGS ABOUT ME! 1) My name is rarely pronounced correctly. It's Da-NÉE-ka". Rhymes with "sneeka", the Boston version of what you wear on your feet when playing sports! I answer to almost anything... "Dan-icka, Dominique, Dameka, Daniela, Diane, Da.....". You get the point! 2) Since moving to Virginia I am often told, "You are not black!!". This is very accurate! In Massachusetts, folks may have THOUGHT Danica sounded "Black", but in Virginia...they say it!! It always makes me laugh when folks say it! 3) I LOVE chocolate, not dark chocolate, not fancy chocolates, run of the mill chocolate. My current obsession is milk chocolate covered almonds. Almonds are heart healthy, right?? 4) I have had a crush on my husband since I was 17 and met him at my high school graduation party. He was (and is!) incredibly handsome! We didn't begin to date until almost 5 years later. 5) I will be married 15 years in October! I am still crazy about (and crushing on) my husband! 6) I have a lot of anxiety. Many think I am just really excited about life and I am but also quite anxious! 7) I always wanted a daughter! Before I got pregnant, I told my husband I wanted a baby girl in April. He wasn't so sure about more than one kid...I said if we had a girl, I would consider just one. I got exactly what I ordered! She is the most amazing kid!! 8) My dogs are my "four-legged" kids. I am mad crazy about them! They sleep in our beds and are very well loved! 9) I absolutely LOVE what I do! I feel incredibly fortunate to be able to say that! 10) My childhood teddy bears have voices and personalities. My daughter has one of my bears that she sleeps with every night. My other three are in my office...I love having clients hold them as they talk. 11) I hate being barefoot! Even to swim...I get kinda grossed out at the thought of public pools and athlete's foot... I know kinda OCD of me!! BABLING BRIDGE'S QUESTIONS: -How often do you wash your hair? I pretty much wash my hair daily. Occasionally I skip a day. -Do you prefer sweets or salty snacks? Definitely sweet! -If you could be one age for the rest of your life, what would it be? Hmmm, I think I would pick my current age...41. I have a pretty great life! -Where’s the coolest place you’ve ever been? Or want to go? Been: was a tough trip for me...grad school internship for 3 weeks. Want to go: Africa, Australia, New Zealand! -Could you live w/out your cell phone? Yes, I COULD, but I wouldn't want to. I love being connected to my family and friends! -What movie could you watch over and over again? Ahhh, the 80s movies... "Sixteen Candles", "Footloose" (the original), "The Breakfast Club" -Have you ever been on a cruise? What’s it like?! Yes, Boston to Bermuda...AWESOME! Can't wait to another! -Cats or dogs? DOGS, definitely dogs!!!! -Do you believe in soul mates? Yes. -If you didn’t need money, what would you do for the rest of your life? What I am doing now, but I would volunteer. -What’s your biggest pet peeve? Ignorance! MY QUESTIONS 1) Favorite TV show? 2) Favorite quality in our partner/spouse? 3) Most recent vacation? 4) Worst habit? 5) Favorite name? 6) Dream place to live? 7) Three things you can't live without? 8) Desktop, laptop, netbook, tablet or smart phone? 9) Favorite breed of dog? 10) Coke or Pepsi? 11) Your best quality?

Friday, November 12, 2010

Day 22

I'm heading off to scrapbook this weekend and I am so excited for a weekend of me time...though scrapbooking for 6 hrs tonight, 16 hours tomorrow and 8 on Sunday will leave me EXHAUSTED! Here is tomorrow's post...
Day 22 → Something you wish you hadn’t done in your life.
Are there things in my life that I regret? You bet'cha! But honestly, I would not wish I hadn't done something...because not doing it might not make me who I am today, and overall, who and what I am today is ok! I'm a firm believer in "everything for a reason" and I believe that God has a plan for me...sometimes he isn't great about sharing the plan until much later than I would like, but that's because it's HIS plan. Not MINE! :)

Day 21

Day 21 → (scenario) Your best friend is in a car accident and you two got into a fight an hour before. What do you do?
I'd get to her asap! Fight or no fight...she's my best friend!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day 20

Day 20 → Your views on drugs and alcohol.
Let's start with alcohol, because it's an easier one. First off, it's legal to consume alcohol if you are of age. In moderation, I have no issue with alcohol. Personally, I LOVE a great glass of wine or a cosmo. Interestingly, I do like the taste of alcohol straight. It's gotta be masked in something fruity. I have always been this way and only began enjoying wine outside of zinfadel, which let's face not "grown up wine", in the past 10 years. I can honestly say that I don't "crave" a drink at the end of a hard day...chocolate is my "vice".
My issue with alcohol is when it becomes a problem. When a person can't get through the day without it, when it detracts from personal relationships, when it is the only way a person can cope. Binge drinking also really concerns me and honestly, I just don't get it! I don't like much...maybe three glasses of wine a month on average, so it's doesn't take much for me to feel tipsy. I hate that feeling of being out of control. Of saying stupid things that I KNOW are stupid but I can't stop. I HATE that feeling. I also HATE vommitting. I HATE it! I can't imagine purposely consuming something to the point that I am sick. I have never been sick from drinking nor have I ever had a hangover. I don't ever plan too. My sister will say, "You don't PLAN to drink that much, it just happens." OK, sure, I guess...but then I would be completely out of control, and I HATE no, not me.
Drugs...a new blog. I have a major issue with drugs. It stems back to when I was 12. I had this neighbor, Courtney, she was my best friend from the time I moved into my house in her neighborhood when I was 7. She was a year older than me, but we were super tight. I worshiped Courtney. She was an only child so I was included with her family in outings all the time. I had a pesky little sister who didn't play at Courtney's. Courtney ROCKED! She was in eighth grade and she started hanging out with the "bad kids". She started sneaking cigarettes. Then she started smoking pot. She snuck alcohol from her parent's supply and would drink. Courtney completely changed and no longer wanted to hang out with straight square me. I lost my best friend. I was devasted. It completely turned my off on drugs and alcohol. I wanted no part of it and I was scared about how she changed and how she acted. I never drank in high school outside of the sips I was allowed at home for special occassions. I had no interest and actually had an aversion.
Freshman year of high school I was pissy. I really wanted to attend Holy Name High School in Worcester. My new best friend was going there. My folks had moved to Northboro because of the great schools. They had no interest in PAYING for an education that may not have been as good as the one they were paying taxes for. As a parent I get it, but as a sullen 13-14 year old, they ruined me!
I played soccer for years and made the JV team freshman year with the girls I had playing with for years. They became the "popular crowd". There was a Halloween dance at the high school. A bunch of the soccer team was going and our parents were car pooling. We were dropped off and I was surprised to see how many baby costumes there were. When I was invited to head to the woods to partake of the "bottles" I realized why and I was terrified. I could go with them and be cool and accepted to the popular crowd or I could draw my line and reject them...I was 13! I decided to take the "coward way" and I let my "friends" know I was not feeling well and would call my parents to be picked up. (My grown-up self realizes that this was genius and I would recommend my daughter do the same.)
I head to the bank of pay phones, because this was WAY before cell phones! The phones were in a public place which afforded NO privacy. I called home and my dad answered. I had been gone maybe an hour and now I am whining to my dad that I feel sick and I need to be picked up. He became defensive figuring that I was still trying to avoid public high school and proceeded to remind me I was fine an hour ago. I continued to insist I was not feeling well and REALLY needed to be picked up NOW! He did finally relent and came to get me a short time later.
I know he felt positively awful when I got in the car and proceeded to tell him I wasn't sick, I just needed to leave because of what my "friends" were heading out to do. He assured me he would never again question me if I called for a ride. My mom chewed him out too...poor dad!
Drugs are illegal for a reason. We have a drinking age for a reason. I understand that in other countries where drinking is allowed there is little alcohol issues. That is not the case in the US! Marijuana is currently illegal. I don't have a strong stance either way...I have never tried any substances other than alcohol and perscriptions that are perscribed for me. (Ok with a borrowed muscle relaxant when I am in spasm or a vicoden when I was between perscriptions for my broken ankle. I was able to get prescriptions for both.)
I have seen, first hand, the destruction alcohol and other drugs leave in their wake. I've interviewed folks in the ER for overdoses and those seeking treatment for addictions. Their lives are in shambles. Marijuana is ABSOLUTELY the "gateway drug". Once you cross the line, the excuse to not cross isn't there. Suddenly trying cocaine, crack, heroin, prescription drugs is not as taboo.
My best friend was verbally abused by her alcoholic father who even in death continued the abuse with his will which purposely stated "his daughter" was to recieve nothing and proceeded to talk about his "beloved son", her brother.
The family who was our long-time next door neighbor almost lost their son to heroin. This was a good family. The "kids" and my sister and I grew up together. We had similar backgrounds. He is clean and healthy now, but he lost everything in the destruction, including missing his only brother's wedding, a celebration he can never get back.
I have strong opinions on alcohol and drugs. I make no excuses for these opinions. They are mine and I willingly stand by them! I do apologize if I offended anyone, I hope I explained why I have them.